
Community is such a big word. I’m sure many people have different perspectives around the definition of such a word. Let’s start with a common definition so we’re on the same page. “a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common” or “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.” I like both of those definitions. I think I am referring to a mix of those, maybe more related to “a group of people having common interest that enjoy fellowship together.”

I lived quite a big chunk of my life without understanding the value of community. I truly believed I didn’t particularly need a “group” of people beyond my family and a friend or two. I have learned over the last few years how wrong I had been. We have been blessed to be led to a sweet homeschool community, which led to a wonderful church community. The people we have had the privilege to fellowship with over these last two and a half years have been a support, encouragement, inspiration and joy to do life with.

Depression, sadness, mental illness have grown over the last few years with the direction to stay alone and isolated. In my observations, people have been pushed in various directions. Some have literally moved far away. Some people have settled into the isolation and seclusionary habits and behaviors that the last few years have produced. Others have dug their heels in and became passionate about keeping community, encouraging connection and promoting the beauty of human relationship. I have definitely fallen into the latter. As I have seen the seclusion cause many to become depressed and lonely, I am more and more passionate to help people find the beauty of community.

Being part of a community isn’t easy. It takes a lot of work and effort to have relationships and live alongside others. We’re all sinners, make mistakes and fail over and over and over and over again. It’s the human condition. Loving each other through all that hard and having people that love you through it all is such a gift. It’s what sharpens us and what grows us, that sanding down the rough edges with others when conflict and disagreements arise. It requires us to step outside of ourselves and think about others, providing meals when someone is sick or loses a loved one. It gives us accountability to not stay where we are but to continue forward, adding value and life to the world.

Just as a tree requires so many branches, leaves, sprigs, roots to survive. We also need each one to thrive in this life. What a gift to have experienced such beauty in community. Through the struggle, hurt, joy and laughter, it is worth fighting for.



